Pekanbaru, Rabu 3 Juni 2015 — Jikalahari again reminds public and APRIL’s consumer around the globe, that Sustainable Forest Management Policy (SMFP) 2.0 launched today in Jakarta, is a revised version but remains weak from some aspects such peat protection and restoration of damaged peat forest, while it is also not showing strong willingness to solve conflict with community,” and we remains doubt that APRIL stops clearing peat forest mainly in Pulau Padang,’ said Woro Supartinah, Coordinator of Jikalahari.



Past experience of SFMP 1.0 which was launched 28 February 2014, have shown several breaches done by APRIL and its supplier. And, even in their new policy states that APRIL will stop clearing natural forest and peat forest by 15 May 2015, we found that before the date APRIL cleared natural forest and digging new canal in Pulau Padang, Kepulauan Meranti, Riau. “Peat forest has been destroyed massively before the date, which means APRIL reconfirm its failure to fulfill previous commitment”.

With regard to peat management, it doesn’t refer to PP 71 year 2014 about Management  and Protection of Peat Ecosystem “Since Government Regulation no. 71 year 2014 being applied,  yet APRIL has not shown concrete action to implement that regulation aims at protecting  and managing  peatland in sustainable way.  Despite APRIL may use this opportunity to be in the front to implementing the regulation for protecting peatland”.

“Solution to elect peat expert working group for peatland management becomes more evidence that APRIL too slow in their effort to protect important area  and disobey Indonesia’s regulation; counter-productive with their commitment of legal compliance. Furthermore, will APRIL willing to restore damaged peatland because of acacia plantation? Woro affirmed.

Another issue, SFMP 2.0 does not refer to national scheme to save natural resources promoted by KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission) which require private sector to provide information and to report data related to their business and duty fulfillment. “ within SFMP 2.0, it doesn’t include transparency of HCVF result, AMDAL, list of supplier and subsidiaries. How many of them exist in Indonesia? Woro added.

APRIL also mentioned about respect to customary rights and local community, applies FPIC and actively involving community in forest management. “ If that was true, APRIL should solve conflicts occurred due to their operations, in Pulau Padang, other areas in Riau, and elsewhere. And immediately implement allocation of 20 percent of their concession area for community  as regulated by Ministry of Environment and Forestry  no 12/2015”.

Apart from some weakness within the revised SFMP policy, Jikalahari will continue monitoring the implementation of this policy to ensure remaining forest is saved, and to make sure local community accept benefit rather than being marginalized by bad practice of forestry industry.


For more information please contact:

Woro Supartinah, Coordinator, 08117574055

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