Commodity Analysis and Marketing Potential in West Kalimantan and Riau Provinces’ Social Forestry Permit Areas
Since the government of Joko Widodo – Jusuf Kala designated Social Forestry (PS) as a priority program for the 2014-2019 period, it has become an increasingly interesting issue.
Despite the controversy, this policy is the best solution to problems in forest management. Particularly relevant to the people who live near the forest.
There were many potentials whose economic value was unknown prior to the application of PS; however, the situation began to change after the application of PS. The community is gradually beginning to recognize the economic value, and various assistance activities are being carried out, ranging from skill training to capital assistance to the establishment of market networks. This gives hope for the revival of the community’s economy in the forest area.
However, not all SF licenses automatically encourage economic change in the community. There are numerous PS permits, including HD, HKm, HTR, Kemitraan Kehutanan, and HA, that have stagnated or have not changed between the time the permits were issued and now.
In contrast to the above description, Jikalahari, in collaboration with SAMPAN Kalimantan and with the support of the Siemenpuu Foundation, conducted a study to examine more closely the various potential natural resources, both from timber and non-timber forest products stored in the PS area.